Florida Broadleaf


Availability: In stock

SKU: MFB1.5 Category: Tag:

Florida Broad Leaf features broad, oval, bright-green leaves. Upright habit, white mid-ribs and toothed edges. Direct sow, or start indoors and transplant out after fear of frost, 55 days.

1.5g vial Approx. 750 seeds

Mustard growing info:

Mustard is the perfect green for hot climates, in fact can be grown year round in the south.  It prefers full sun and well draining nitrogen rich soil. Keep it regularly watered for high yields and best results.  Plant seeds after the threat of frost directly into the soil 1/8 inches deep, about 15 inches apart to give them enough time to grow.  The young tender leaves are often eaten in salad mixes. The larger leaves are tough and must be cooked.  The seeds are used to make condiments.  Be careful if you allow the plant to go to seed, harvest before the seeds are released or expect the mustard to totally take over the area in which it was grown.  Mustard is largely resistant to pests by nature.


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