Tall Utah 52-70


Standard, reliable strain

Availability: In stock

SKU: CETU.75 Category:

Tall Utah 52-70 is medium/dark green in color. Tolerance to Adaxial Stem Cracking. Non-bitter flavor. About 12″ tall, 100 days.

.75 g. vial, about 1800 seeds

Celery growing info:

Celery is an easy to grow cool weather crop that can be eaten at any age and is essential in every kitchen.  In cool climates start the plants in early spring.  In warm climates start it mid to late summer for a winter harvest. It takes about 16 weeks of cold weather to finish growing to expected sizes. Some varieties grow better in mounds. Add aged manure and compost to the soil and plant seedlings 12-15 inches apart. It’s best to start seeds indoors 10-12 weeks before the final frost for best results. Plant seeds between ¼ and ½ inch deep and keep evenly moist until germination. Transplant when they are 2 inches tall and keep consistently moist for the best celery possible. Celery takes a LOT of water! You can harvest smaller pieces throughout the season or all at once. You can prolong the growing season by only cutting off shoots instead of the whole plant.  


Weight 4.7 g


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