Sugar Daddy


Sugar snap pea, edible pod

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This stringless pod snap pea is an old classic. 2′ plants produce many 3″ pods.

74 days, direct sow

Approx. 120 seeds per Oz.

Types of pea:

English Pea: English peas do not have edible pods. These will need to be allowed to fill out before being shelled and eaten. These tend to mature quickly compared to the other varieties of pea, and also like a cooler temperature. Once they are picked, the sugars rapidly start converting to starches, so eating them the same day as harvest will make for the best taste. Try eating them fresh out of the pod as soon as they are picked for a nice treat!

Snow Pea: Snow peas have edible pods, but are eaten before the peas fill out, while the pods are still flat. We like to space our plants only two or three inches apart with trellising to make a nice hedge. These may take longer to produce than other varieties.

Sugar snap peas: These are like a cross between English and snow peas, they have edible pods, but you can let the peas fill out a little more. While they still like cooler weather, they can handle heat better than the other pea types.

Pea growing info:

Peas are a super easy cold weather crop that anyone can grow.  Great for containers and those with limited space!  Plant as soon as the ground thaws one inch deep and keep the soil moist until germination.  They prefer nitrogen rich well draining soil and full sun exposure. If the soil holds too much water, it will make the peas suffer. Adding wood ash to the soil will help with pod production. It’s best to grow peas early in the season as they become less sweet and tender as the weather gets hotter. Direct sow about 3-5 inches apart, you can grow them along a fence for built in trellising. Regardless they benefit from support of some kind.  Birds love baby pea plants so you can use a row cover until they’re fully established to avoid your plants being stolen.  In cold climates, you can use black plastic as mulch to warm the ground to encourage faster growth.  Harvest peas when they hit full size and often, in the morning for the best results with texture. 


1/4lb, 1oz


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